We consider our products to be of the highest standard and believe they deliver the performance on the ground, but it is always good to have some one else give praise. So thanks to everyone who has considered it fitting to offer comments and compliments on machinery from the wide range of Campey Turf Care equipment.
Here are a few samples of quotes from Sports Turf Professionals that have used or purchased our equipment over the last year. We will be up-dating this list on a regular basis, so please send us any observations which you think might be of interest to others.
Please get in touch if you would like anymore information, simply call +44 (0)1260 224568 or email us today.
“We once dreamed of using technology like the Air2G2 15-20 years ago. I feel comfortable with it, it’s pedestrian mounted and there’s no weight on the pitch, it’s easy to use and you can aerate using varying amounts of air.”
“I think the main advantage is that there is very limited disruption when you use the Air2G2. That means it can be used throughout the bowls season on the greens and on golf courses, and in the winter months when you’d struggle to get a tractor onto the greens you can use it because it’s a pedestrian machine and light.”
“Using the Air2G2 improves soil conditions through decompaction, and leaves no surface disruption following the process. Play can continue with no detrimental effects to ball roll following a quick turf iron, which I feel is fantastic.”

“We had to find an additional way of carrying the water from the surface down into the main drainage system and we looked at gravel banding, solids and everything but the method that impressed us most of all was the Sandcat.”
“We had to find an additional way of carrying the water from the surface down into the main drainage system and we looked at gravel banding, solids and everything but the method that impressed us most of all was the Sandcat.”
“Currently, we are utilizing the FTM® for a turf conversion project, changing from Bermuda to Seashore Paspalum. After eradicating the existing turf with several pesticide applications, we were able to strip 30 acres (front 9 wall to wall) with the machine in 3 weeks, which we were very impressed by.
“The versatility of the machine matches the versatility of our pitches. It’s a key piece of equipment for us during the renovation period and the Universal Rotor has a lot of applications that mean we can work on the natural, fibresand and Desso pitches.

“After using the RecyclingDresser (RCD) the compaction is no longer an issue. Following the treatment with the RCD we over-seeded and fertilised the fairway and within 12 days we started to notice a real difference. The Koro RCD brought the sand back up and gave us a good seed bed and enhanced the water movement within the fairway which is exactly what we wanted.”
Top Drain
“Since starting with the TopDrain we have done five and a half hectares and you can definitely tell the difference in those areas. We want to provide a high standard of course for the races and it’s very important to us that the safety of the horses and the reliability of the course is up to scratch, and using the TopDrain is helping us do that.
We could see the opportunity for it to save us not hours but days of resources and labour charges, and leave a job in a very professional manner with a happy client having their surface out of action for a fraction of the time.

Dakota 310 SP
“When applying sand to our surfaces here at Real Madrid I cannot think of a better machine than our Dakota. Its ease of use, even distribution and how it works with wet material makes this a must for any facility. It’s size and manoeuvrability are both great assets and I can’t speak highly enough of the job it does across all of our facilities.
“The reason I decided to get the Dakota 310 was for use over the autumn and winter months. I wanted to spare the greens the extra weight, and the 310 was the best way to do that without compromising on the quality of spread.”
Dakota 410
“I haven’t seen any other machines that have the same sort of material handling capacity and versatility like the Dakota has.”
“We currently work on everything from cricket squares to bowling greens so the fact you can adjust the machine in so many ways and make it adapt to what you need was the main reason we purchased the machine.”

“We looked to the UniRake to improve our maintenance operation on the Desso constructed pitches and to take some of the weaker grasses out. This is because the pitches get quite thick before the end of the season, but we also use it during the renovation as well, and It’s been a huge success for us.
“The main reason we purchased the UniRake was to run on our new Celebration bermuda grass fairways,” Carter explained. “Our turf managers and myself have seen such a positive impact on playability and appearance since using it on all our bermuda and zoysia surfaces. This includes Baby, Tifway 419, Common, Celebration and Zorro varieties.
“This is the fourth year I’ve used the Shockwave on the greens and I really like it. It works great on deep compaction and from a pedometer point of view the results are always where we want them to be after it’s been used.”
“The machine is good us for us because it does exactly what we need it to do. It gives me the ability to carry out constant decompaction throughout the year, so there won’t be a point during the season where postponements become a problem.”

Vredo Compact Series
“In combination with the other machines we use it’s a fantastic piece of kit, and we get a lot of germination with it. The machine drills the seed into the ground and does a very good clean job, and we get very consistent germination with it.”
“We specifically went for the Vredo because if you look at the specifications and write ups it’s had you can see it’s undoubtedly the best on the market. Grass seed isn’t cheap and you want all the seed where it’s going to grow, you don’t want it left on the top, and the machine puts everything where it should be.”
“We use the Votex a lot during September because there’s a lot of debris coming off the surface, so we use it a lot until November time. We also use it during the renovations to pick up any debris that has been left after koro-ing, and again from March to the end of the season to pick up the thatch and debris that’s flicked up by the players football boots.”
“We’ve been able to reduce our labour because there’s no longer the need to have men using hand blowers, because the B40 can get through all the copses, and if it can’t quite get into an area we can rotate the nozzle.”

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