Campey Launch Sumo Designed TDS2 Sub Surface Sports Turf Decompactor
Campey Turf Care Systems has combined with British manufacturer, Sumo, to produce the Campey TDS2 sub surface sports turf decompactor specifically for the turf care industry.
Campey Turf Care Systems has combined with British manufacturer, Sumo, to produce the Campey TDS2 sub surface sports turf decompactor specifically for the turf care industry.
It has been a long and mixed few months for Australians in Europe. The Socceroos put in a valiant but ultimately disappointing display at the 2018 World Cup in Russia and the Australian cricket team fell to a 6-0 one day international loss at the hands of England. But, for one Australian travelling to [...]
80 Days with Campey Turf Care Systems! During my time at Campey Turf Care Systems I have met so many wonderful people and it is because of these people that the last 80 days have been so great. From the staff at Campey’s to the house mates who accepted me into the house and [...]
Week 9 saw me travel back to Ireland. I have somewhat fallen in love with Ireland. Besides being able to spend time with relatives the scenery is spectacular – when you can see it and in general the people are very welcoming and nice. It was great being able to catch up with Brian [...]
This week was a short week for me as we had the first bank holiday for May. The extra day for the weekend always seems to make a difference. However they always seem to go just as fast as any other weekend. During my fourth week here at Campey Turf Care Systems, I had [...]
After flying 22 hours from Sydney I arrived in Dublin. The first thing I noticed was the harsh difference in weather. Leaving Australia in 32’c heat arriving in Dublin where the temperature was meant to reach 9’c and numbing winds. In Dublin I was greeted at the Airport by Brian O’Shaughnessy, who took me [...]
Adam Elis Servis, operating as AESCo.SEA has recently been appointed as the sole dealer of Campey Turf Care Systems products for Indonesia. Air 2G2, Imants, KORO by Imants and Campey Turf Care Systems products will all be available from the Jakarta based company who want to give customers access to machinery that can help [...]
The Air2G2 from Campey Turf Care Systems is being used at Emirate’s Golf Club, Dubai, to keep the award-winning Majlis Course in prime condition. As Dubai’s number one golf course, it is imperative that machinery manager and second assistant, Dónal Mulvey, and the 72 strong golf course maintenance department consisting of greenkeepers, mechanics, irrigation, landscape [...]
The new Air2G2 336 is the most productive pedestrian aerator on the market, with 36-inch probe centres allowing operators to cover ground quicker with the same industry-leading results. Aeration has always been an integral aspect of sports turf maintenance, and the introduction of the original Air2G2 revolutionised the process. The principle of laterally injecting [...]