
Easy-Load Trailer

Specialist easy-load trailer for transporting machinery on roads and across turf areas. Designed to transport the Air-2g2, it will also accommodate other popular turf machinery like the Toro Procore, John Deere Aeracore, and small ride-on mowers. Fully roadworthy, with brakes & lighting, the tail-board ramp lowers to allow safe and easy loading, & the tie-downs supplied will secure machinery in place. Supplied with spare wheel.

Overall Length & Width
380cm x 178cm
Body Load Space
250cm x 178cm
Wheel – Tyre size
195 x 55 – 10
Gross Weight
Unladen Weight
Maximum payload

Ensure your machine is registered for warranty
– Simply fill out our online form here

Our Industry Partners

We are proud to play a key role within the turf care industry and of our industry partnerships

If you have any questions or require
more information email us here